Supporting the labor market integration of Africans in Hungary
Our aim is to integrate the African migrants to become useful members of the Hungarian labour market. In Hungary, there is no program for this purpose. Our information services intend to widely reach the Africans living in our country.
The project is called Afromag, in which we help integrate African citizens who reside in Hungary for a long term to find opportunity in the


Experience report about the AfroMag closing event
On June 1, 2018 Impact Hub hosted our closing event, which was also an extended mentor meeting. Not only mentors and mentees were officially invited to the event, but also all of the AfroMag participants and representatives of internship and volunteering...
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“Peace begins when the hungry are fed’’
On last Sunday some of the AfroMag participants joined to the Heti Betevő organisation as a volunteer. They helped in the 8th district where the department focuses more on social interaction. They are mostly by its concentration is dealing with families...
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Channels for job search
This booklet about the Channels for job search, edited by our coach expert, will help you to know where and how you should start job...
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We again joined the team of Heti Betevő
In March, we had two opportunities to join the usual Sunday food distribution of the Weekly Food (in hungarian called Heti Betevő). We helped in the preparation, we wraped cookies and helped also in tea distribution. You can read about our volunteering in...
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Do not miss spring job fairs in 2018
We collected for you the most important dates of the upcoming Job Fairs: 21st-22nd of March, Budapest: BME Job Fair, With thousands of domestic and foreign job opportunities and internships they await all...
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“We will not be Africans because we are born in Africa, but because Africa was born in us.”
AfroMag participants had a chance to take part at 7. HTCC Africa Expo and Fair Budapest as a volunteer. Africa Expo and Fair is an annual international forum focused on the building of African-Hungarian relations, presenting business and cooperation...
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“The more we give, the happier we feel “
AfroMag project again held volunteering training session which was held on Friday 23 February in Budapest. The main objective of this event was to create a platform of inspiring those who were demonstrating their commitment and willing to work for the...
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Want to write a good CV?
With the help of our coach expert we listed the most important things and aspects which you should consider before and during writing your cv. Read about how to write a CV and see some tips too. Write your perfect one! You can also find these useful...
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AfroMag club event was held again!
On the 2nd February we organized the last AfroMag club event at Kubik Coworking office. Our first topic was ‘Successful communication in the world of employment’. On the workshop held by Tímea Sófalvi the participants could get acquainted with the elevator-pitch...
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In January we joined the group called Weekly Food organisation
The Weekly Food organization is a community of private persons on volunteer basis who are cooking for those in need. They are supported by private donations. The food they prepare they are dividing in Budapest 7th and 8th district. In the 7 district they...
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