Curriculum Vitae
With the help of our coach expert we listed the most important things and aspects which you should consider before and during writing your cv. Read about how to write a CV and see some tips too. Write your perfect one!

What is the purpose of a CV?
- Raising awareness, to invite you to a personal interview. The first impression for the future employer is given by your CV.
The question of the content and the form is determinative for the successful job application, because primarily, it depends on both that your CV will attract the attention of people working in the selection process or not.
What kind of advices can we get to write a CV that raise attention?
- It’s always good to have a template CV, but you should form and edit it to the position you apply for. You should emphasise those information which is relevant for the tasks you will fulfill in your position.
- Write your CV in any languange you can and will use during your working.
- Try to think like the hiring management! What would you read at first in his place and what would convince you who is the most suitable workforce. Try to make your choice based on the keywords highlighted in your CV.

Experts dealing with the selection of CVs have practice measuring in only 7-10 seconds if the given cv is suitable for more interest or not. How should you write your CV to attract attention in 7 seconds?
- Strive for the short factual composition. Do not write anything that is not true, or fake. These things reflects badly for you if they reveal.
- Shape your CV for the actual company and position. Lookfor the place where you apply for.
- View the contents from the present going backwards in thime.
- Pay attention to the clear structure and the readability. Figyelj az átlátható szerkezetre, és az olvashatóságra. It is important when someone overview it with a glance the essential information should appear immediately.
- Use highlighting, but not exaggerate it.
- Your CV should be well articulated, aesthetic, demanding, solid, but stand out from the rest with its uniqueness. Grab the attention, don’t be invisible amongst the weak, boring ones.
- If you will use your foreign languange skills at your work, send your competition in any mentioned languanges. This diligence will seem you as a professional employee, and you will be preferred to the others, who are nota s attentive as you.
- Everywhere in business the most widespread type of CV is the American. However in Europe it can occure that the Europass type is requested. If they ask it, send this one, but in other cases use the American type, because it is clear and solid, but it allows you freedom int he method of creation. This way yours will be different the the other ones.
- Your name, email address and phone number must be included on the top of the page, in the letterhead, highlighted. It is unnecessary to present other data here, but your contact details have to be accurate.
- The relevant content for the advertised position needs to be highlighted.
- Use those expressions and sentences which were featured int he job advertisement, as keywords. They will love it.
- Do not list only the name of your workplaces and positions. Write in short about your tasks, what you achieved and how did you develop.
- Le tus know your versatility, but don’t write a novel. Less is more
- Introduce your value, preference and personal competences.
- Emphasise your personal skills and (soft skills). It is important when you are an entrant and you don’t have any professional experience, or don’t have too much of it (hard skills).
- Describe your strengths and your achieved goals at the job experiences and studies.
Formulate with your own words, own style and always be concrete and straightforward.
Downloadable materials:
Creative CVs, downloadable templates
CV patterns compiled according to professions

What kind of mistakes can we make? What you should avoid?
1. Take care of the spelling
2. Do not give frivolous email address
3. Instead of a solid text, try to make it structured
4. Do not write more than 2 pages
5. Don’t leave holes in your timeline
6. Move cronologically, fromthe present towards past (in case of studies and work experience)
What is a good photo like?
You can put a photo in your CV, but only in that case you are not afraid of any discrimination or prejudice. If you put a picture, it should be friendly and smiling, but also professional and business like.
It is offered in many portals that it is worth to made your picture by a professional photographer. If you don’t have the possibility, be sure your clothing is appropriate for this occassion.
An ID picture like portrait is enough.
When it comes to the background, try to choose a homogeneous medium, or a simple white wall is also fine.
Pay attention to the lightning and sharpness. Try to attach a picture that reflects your real appearance, features, and which represents you as you would look like in your workplace. (e.g. not in a swimsuit).
Avoid the too cheerful and too gloomy faces. Just look positive.
Don’t use a photo which is older than two years, even if you didn’t have the chance to take a new one.
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