The project


Supporting the labor market integration of Africans in Hungary

Our aim is to integrate the African migrants to become useful members of the Hungarian labour market. In Hungary, there is no program for this purpose. Our information services intend to widely reach the Africans living in our country.

The project is called Afromag, in which we help integrate African citizens who reside in Hungary for a long term to find opportunity in the Hungarian labour market.

The aim of the project:

To provide services, which give knowledge, ability and work experience for integration. Our aim is to create a policy proposal to the end of the program that will help the actual decision-maker relating to the integration of the job seeker from developing countries in the European labour market.

Target group: Each African citizen who reside in Hungary for a long term.

The structure of the project:

The project includes four thematic pillars:

  • information,
  • competency development,
  • providing working experience,
  • policy paper for decision makers


One of the program’s fundamental pillars is to provide information about Hungarian labour market, supporting organisations, authorities and legal environment.

The main instruments for this are:

  • Interactive website in English, French and Hungarian
  • Electronic publications: thematic flyers and newsletters


Participants gain the knowledge and ability for the integration to the labour market. Its methods are:

  • Club events:
    • to provide deeper insights into topics related to employment
    • to give possibilities to personal meetings
    • develop abilities through interactive activities.
  • Volunteer training and work:
    • African citizens can learn basic skills and values required for working
    • gain experience on the fields of solidarity and charitable work.


Members will enter to the mentor program, where they will get personalised support to get into the labour market. The mentors are knowledgeable people form Africa and Hungary, with experience on Hungarian and African culture and society.

The mentor program gives the possibility to Africans living in Hungary to enter the Hungarian and European labour market according to their knowledge, plans and desires through practical work experiences, translational services, HR programs and administrative support.

Mentors also provide support to prepare and get into job interviews and make contact with companies open to take volunteers, interns.


The Foundation creates a structured package of proposals on the integration of African citizens in the Hungarian labour market. The purpose of the document is to offer proposals for the integration of third-world workers to the Hungarian labour market which means advantages for both the African citizens and the Hungarian and European economy.

The planned completion of the project: 2018.06.30.

MMIA-2.2.5/3-2016-00001 AfroMag – Supporting the labor market integration of Africans in Hungary

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